Mapping the value (Value Stream Mapping) represents the sequence of value-added processes that are to transform a grain of raw material to finished product. The thought of VSM is to focus on the process chain to VA as a whole (horizontal view) rather than looking at what can be earned in each process independently (vertical view) based solely on 'individual effectiveness (job, department or active).
Value Stream Leadership means: focus on improving our profits and reducing waste identified along the production chain of a product. The head of the VSM may have needed the support of plant manager in the event that a reduction in losses would be outside the process plant to know the customer or the supplier (business organization)
The model proposed below, shows the link What the company's business groups with the VSM of a factory link between the client and the mill and link between the factory and the supplier.
By Taking this enterprise view and Aligning the Business Groups, Plants Cdn Realize reduction in waste in the Entire product value streams.
The model below shows ideal state profit margins. Retaining only competitive advantage Cdn Be Achieved by Business Group alignment.
1.3 VMOS Leadership - Support continuous improvementImprovement Tour: Use relationships mentor / apprentice to create a culture of continuous improvementLeaders exist at all levels within the company. What the leaders behavior, how to act, what they do, influence the actions of another person which in turn influence the thoughts of others. This is what defines the culture of the company.A management model widely used in the 50's, considered the leaders as dictators and did not engage enough people required in the process of continuous improvement to be competitive. The result: a culture of continuous improvement exist.Industries then changed to a different management style based solely on radical results also called management by objective, which multiplies the individual approach to work.Yet this approach generates some specific improvements, some lack of control and no common vision. The result is continuous improvement but sporadically in some department of the company.The deployment policy has more recently sought to address the shortcomings of management by objectives, but is still an element, sponsorship (guardian relationship / apprentice) for everyone in the organization. Result: Too many differences between hierarchical levels.Sponsorship and active in the improvement in problem-solving projects
VMOS Leadership Guide is built on a method of leadership and management that combines flexibility and control: leaders and managers are active tutors improvement efforts.
The method of leadership changes VMOS leaders in active guardian by requiring that a relationship mentor / apprentice is established whenever a problem must be solved or an improvement to be made. The tutor is a leader or manager and the apprentice is a person (or team of people) who will achieve an improvement.
Here's how it works:
1) A person observes or has a problem or an opportunity for improvement. It can be Guardian, another official, the apprentice, etc.. The mentor and apprentice agree on desired outcomes and the tutor, creating the roadmap, challenge the apprentice or apprentices team to propose actions that will achieve results. The format of planning and action plans is standardized (see the tool in "the process kaizen").2) The apprentice proposes actions.3) The Guardian criticized the proposals, checking their relevance with respect to objectives. This first cycle is repeated until a feasible solution and a consensus would be found. At that time, the apprentice creates a detailed plan of implementation including specific performance targets and predefined.4) The apprentice is working to set up actions and achieved the objectives.5) While the progress of implementation are the tutor has regularly monitor progress.The tutor will look particularly the difficulties of implementation and for each blocking point, the tutor helps the learner to unlock it. The killer does not solve problems for the learner, but must help him find solutions by asking the right questions. Every effort must be implemented to achieve the objectives within the time schedule by developing measurement points or control points for identifying blockers to implementation.6) The Apprentice presents the improvement scheme and experiences learned.
Thank you to note that while the apprentice is responsible for planning and implementing actions, the guardian is responsible for its results. The separation of responsibilities, the results for the tutor and the planning / implementation for the apprentice is made to create a stronger connection between levels, an active sponsorship, better monitoring until the resultant are achieved. All this in order to develop a capacity for improvement in business.
Why use an active sponsorship?
• Develop people's skills and the ability to improve the company. Permit the guardian to discern the needs of the learner and promote the development of skills. You can not see the changing needs of the apprentice's skills by telling him how. In addition to the tutor, ask the learner's action plans and ask questions allows him to make a better assessment of the apprentice and so develop their mentoring skills.
• Improve the likelihood of achieving the improvement objectives on time. (Because the best action plans are made, a consensus is developed, and the appearance of problems is rather seen and managed in a constructive way.)• Creating a relationship between higher hierarchical levels. There is less chance that actions be forgotten in the daily load.• Develop more consensus that when leaders arrive for pre-defined objectives and plans. The apprentice develops itself objectives and action plans under the supervision of the active guardian.• Allow more initiative and improvement at each level, but with a parent to always be consistent with the schedule ("Improvement Tour"). Have a "leader - guardian" for each improvement or problem solving allows us to ensure that improvements are consistent with the objectives factory. A direct sponsorship with the people working on real problems is more effective to reach a consensus rather than deploying goals from top to bottom.• Assist in the development of a culture of production by providing a constructive thought to the problems encountered during implementation. If the apprentice has failed in its implementation, then the guardian has failed in its management. This is not an alarm criterion, but a way for us to watch everything we do as a leader and learn what should be done to drive even more efficiency. It is inevitable to encounter problems during installation, it is also necessary that the learner driver tutor during these operations to ensure an appropriate outcome.
A cascade process
In turn, the tutor is driven by his supervisor who became guardian. Thus, a cascade process of the relationship mentor / apprentice is created through the entire organization for any improvement effort.
ChallengesThe approach of active guardian represents a significant change in the way that we manage in business. Many of us will have to check more than one level below to ensure that persons under their responsibility, are tutors who guide their apprentices properly.We need to recognize the difference between putting in place solutions or procedures and implement activities (product line). The solutions are the result we need to improve.This chain of guardian should stop even lower than the level of Team Leader, especially if this team leader is himself responsible for a large number of operators. To access a real continuous improvement at all levels, we will deploy the guardian relationship / apprentice to the operator.
The Process VMOS - How I do ?
The model of continuous improvement exhibited by W. Edwards Deming is generally the model has chosen to follow our company.
It shows the PDCA cycle at two levels in the plant. The first level is with the MSM and the second product in the control of plant performance.
2-1 Planning
VMOS uses a structured approach to identifying opportunities for progress and focus on them.The purpose of the structured approach is to identify opportunities arising from the strategy of each plant and to ensure that the time, effort and resources are focused on progress and to achieve the objectives of the plant.
The structured approach has four steps: Targets, Value Stream Mapping, Project Identification, Project Planning Global
Step 1: Targets
The diagram below describes in detail the steps
The Manufacturing Director involved in developing the Business Plan for 3-5 years, in coordination with the Customer Business Group, the Product Line Team and Purchasing and Product Development teams.
The result of the Business Plan will be 3-5 years Product Line strategy and objectives factory.The annual business plan of the plant must consider these analyzes in deciding prioritization by product. Other considerations are:
• financial performance for each product• the state of competition in terms of design, price, production and other systems• comparative analysis between the current objectives of the factory and the performance of previous years• The feedback from the business plan in 3-5 years
This information should allow the plant more efficient use of the resources of the factory when deciding priorities for improvement actions.
Step 2 - Value Stream Mapping
The plant manager must lead the process of VSM selected product lines. The VSM will define a future state target for the product family, will help identify the main drivers of productivity and where to focus our efforts and progress of our resources.
The Current State Map (CSM) depicts the actual flow of matter and information of a product line, from platform to platform, and is based primarily on concrete observation on the ground throughout the movement of the product . The purpose of the development of CSM is to observe and understand the current situation in sufficient detail to enable the development of a future concept, appropriate to the plant.
The Future State Map (FSM) is the description of a flow Wharf to Wharf improvements on the horizon 3, 6 or 12 months (maximum), with pre-defined targets. The purpose of the WSF is to provide a layer for each project, so that all projects fit together and contribute to the overall objectives of the plant.
An Ideal State Map (ISM) further into the future (3-5 years) and often begins with a simple scheme, which will complete gradually with the experiences of Future State Map
Other details about the MSM available in the appendices "tools"
Step 3 - Identification of projects
The management team now needs to consider these opportunities when developing the plan objectives of the year and to bring the plant closer to the vision product line.
It is then that the management team can clearly identify the key systems and processes that can be found all along the product line. These key processes must be designed and improved.
Prioritization tools to identify key systems such as the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) and the matrix VSM. See Appendix for the matrix and see a black-belt six-sigma for information on the NGT.
From this analysis, the plant is able to identify some projects that she must return to complete the major share of goals. Once the plan is set, the leadership now needs to prioritize resources for better investment decisions.
During the identification process of the VSM and system data, the organization is doing a "catch-ball" process to identify and prioritize objectives at each level. When the objectives and priorities at each level of the organization are determined, the PDCA is an integral part of relations "apprentice / mentor" as described in Part 1.
Step 4 - Master Schedule
At this level, the plant has prioritized its actions to achieve its objectives, a Master Schedule must be developed to drive the implementation. The Master Schedule is the roadmap of the plant to achieve the objectives and a tool to regularly monitor progress in relation to the plan. Make sure to plan concrete actions (eg "reduce the tool change press X to 10 minutes to 1 September"), and not just activities (train quick tool change with the team of the press X).
Tutors and apprentices of each improvement project will then be identified. It is their responsibility to develop the Master Schedule actions to achieve the objective. It will be necessary to record it in the Master Schedule of the plant, including the Manufacturing Director refers monthly during the POR.
The Master Schedule will be posted in the room for Communication to be reviewed during the POR or other business magazines.
Note: It is imperative that each project pre-define the target figure for planned actions, and this should remain unchanged for the implementation of the project. Every effort should be made to eliminate problems in the implementation and meet deadlines and pre-defined objectives.
2.2 Implementation
The MSM is only a tool - not progress itself - and the positive results solely due to the active implementation of a Future State. In other words, plan and diagram, accomplished without a Future State is only a waste.
The key to avoiding this waste would be that our leadership sees, thinks and does in his reviews of factory activity. The company's leadership sets the tone for how the actions are to be made, through questions it poses and the subjects on which it focuses.
What you need to know about the implementation:
- This paragraph takes up less space in the manual, but this is where the people you parrrainez spend the most time. Planning is important, but we must avoid the paralysis of analysis.- Be careful not to confuse "making activities, actions and tasks" with "achieve results listed in the Master Schedule." These results are what our customers and our business need. In other words, someone may have done their duties to the letter written on an action plan, but with little or no positive results expected.- As always, our way of doing things should not happen of respect for persons, which is based on the approach apprentice / guardian. But do not confuse "respect for people" and "respect for old habits"! Customers have no patience for that.
How do you think the implementation:- We must "do", but we need to "be smarter". Each plant must sketch and work towards Future State appropriate to its needs and possibilities, and a maximum of 12 months, and even 3 to 6 months. -Anyone who can draw a beautiful Ideal State. It is harder to describe what a plant is ready to become later. Small steps of improvement are preferable, especially early, as long as it is progress that can help the client and our profitability, and the team learns the site.
- The Ideal State Map and schedule within 12 months are useful for plant management.However, the Future State to 12 months is the subject on which the Director Manufacturing focuses for its monthly magazines.- Sometimes, the major steps are necessary, but it is your responsibility to help to control for the success of such steps.- The problems during the implementation are inevitable, but you must seek and be prepared to drive the team for the implementation of cons-measures. Problems, failures, and setbacks should be seen as opportunities to improve the system. Results should be made as scheduled, but the steps to achieve this can be adjusted all along.By controlling this way we can begin to develop a culture of real progress.
The next part of this Leadership Guide is designed to help you monitor and detect problems during implementation, and manage them as a leader.
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